SRX 600 2EF - Thomas aus Portland (Oregon USA) - Druckversion

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+--- Thema: SRX 600 2EF - Thomas aus Portland (Oregon USA) (/showthread.php?tid=2160)

SRX 600 2EF - Thomas aus Portland (Oregon USA) - Thomas_S. - 29.02.2024

Hello from Portland, Oregon, on the west coast of USA. 

Thanks for allowing me to join your group.

I purchased the pictured 1986 SRX-6 brand new in early 1987. It has long been my favorite motorcycle. 
The photo is two years old. The motorcycle has become a bit worn over time and is now undergoing refurbishment. I hope to have it 
back on the road within one year and also hope that I may look to the members here for some guidance along the way.

Cheers. ?

RE: New Member in USA - cr - 29.02.2024

Hello Thomas and a warm welcome to the forum. Nice that you have found your way here. The forum is primarily in German so I hope you can read everything with a translation tool. If you have any questions about the SRX, you will be gladly helped here. Pls. start with: You should remount the kickstarter one notch further forward + I would also replace the rear light with a "normal" SRX one.

cheers Chris

RE: SRX 600 2EF - Thomas aus Portland (Oregon USA) - Peter-D - 01.03.2024

Hi Thomas
Wellcome to the german SRX Community .
The core of us knows knows personally through our annual weekend meetings in summer that we do since 8 years.
There is a lot of competence gathered here.
As chris allready mentioned, the language here is german. Try out how your method of translation works best.
I am allways delighted to see the 2EF maple red color ? Your SRX looks great.

Cheers ?